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Areas of Expertise


Kim loves working with a limited number of counseling clients and offers an approach focused on wellness and helping each client feel supported to make changes. Kim's clients include people people seeking relief from anxiety, dealing with life transitions, concerned and tired parents, people experiencing grief, and couples seeking to communicate more easily. 


Kim offers a new model for counseling and wellness including a holistic approach, practical ideas for change, bibliotherapy, mind/body connection, and respectful, empowering conversation with clients. Kim's intention is to help clients move toward greater peace and well-being in their lives.


Kim has found yoga to be a life changing practice. She has taught at  Yoga Center of Columbia and infuses mind/body philosophy in all she does. 


Writing and Facilitation

Kim learns through writing. She journals, blogs, and occasionally publishes her thoughts, often observations of her own life. She loves writing with clients. Kim enjoys facilitating group discussions and also working as an educational consultant and Gallup Coach and facilitator in business and school settings.

My Approach

If you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, stuck, in is truly a phone call away. Don't suffer alone! I approach all of my work with the same intention - supporting my clients to feel better emotionally, physically, and spiritually. My experiences in mindfulness, yoga, education, counseling, and as a writer, wife, and mother all contribute to my work. 


I approach my clients with respect and work with them to find the solutions that feel best for them. I offer concrete suggestions, readings, practices, and strategies and also listen deeply. I ask questions that can help clients who feel stuck in one way or another and enjoy finding connections with my clients. It is not unusual for a client to cry in my office, but it is also not unusual for a client to laugh. 


I keep my client base small to offer the kind of attention that I want when I reach out for help. Please call or email to inquire. 





My Approach
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